To change your bank account, you will need to remove your bank account before you can add a new bank account.
- Contact customer service requesting to change bank account and you will need to provide the following information for identity confirmation
- Submit a selfie of yourself holding your ID card or passport and a paper with the following information
- Subject: Change bank account
- Date of request
- Signature of the account owner
Note: Please ensure that your whole head is visible in the selfie and details of your ID card and the paper are clear and not being blocked
- After the request is confirmed the status will be approved and the user will be notified by email and allowed to remove the bank account
- Tap on 'Setting' icon on the menu bar located at the bottom of the screen and you will be directed to 'Setting' page
- Choose 'Bank account' under the Account section
- Choose 'Remove bank account' and tap 'Remove' to confirm
- Your bank account has been successfully removed and you can add a new bank account