Bitcoin (BTC) is the first decentralized cryptocurrency providing peer-to-peer (P2P) payment network, which allow a person or group of people to send digital cash without moderator.
Essential details:
- In November 2008, a mysterious creator calling himself Satoshi Nakamoto posted the famous Bitcoin Whitepaper. Then the first Bitcoins were issued in January 2009.
- Bitcoin is the first to solve the Double Spend Problem by making all accounts and transactions public – but without revealing private details. Since account balances are public, it would be obvious if someone used the same money twice.
- Bitcoin is a new form of money that’s completely digital and it’s a universal currency.
- Bitcoin is the first and most well-known cryptocurrency with highest market cap.
Why invest in Bitcoin?
- Limited Supply
The supply of Bitcoin is limited to 21 million coins. It is “store of value” that can hedge against inflation.
- No Counterfeit Money
Bitcoin solves the Double Spend Problem which means criminals cannot create fake bitcoins. Counterfeiting is impossible.
- High Dectralization
Bitcoin is open-source protocol owned or controlled by no one. It’s run by the community of its users. Having no banks in control makes sending and receiving money cheaper, faster, and easier.
- Highly divisible
Unlike traditional money, Bitcoin can be spent in much smaller amounts, called Satoshis (all the way up to 8 decimal places). This means that it can be used even for tiny purchases.
- High security
Bitcoin uses cryptography to securely send payments. The code is so strong that tampering is virtually impossible. There is a lot of money held in Bitcoin, but it has never been hacked!